فريق بحثي يناقش دراسة علمية مع شركة غاز البصرة حول معالجة التلوث البيئي باستخدام نخيل التمر

In a scientific visit by a research team from the Palm Research Center to Basra Gas Company, represented by Dr. Halima Jabar Abdul Razzaq and Asma Mahdi Saleh, the visit included a discussion of a scientific study on the possibility of using date palms and other plants in the biological treatment of environmental pollution in the region within the framework of scientific cooperation between state institutions.

The session discussed the requirements for conducting the study and working to ensure its success in protecting workers and the environment from the danger of pollution. In return, the company welcomed the idea and expressed its support and sponsorship to the research team to work on the success of the study and its practical application at the company's site in Khor Al Zubair.